Yorba Linda Water District is an independent public agency known as a special district, totally independent of all city and county governments. None of the revenue obtained is used to subsidize non-water or wastewater-related activities or the activities of any other agency.
We are governed by a locally elected Board of Directors. The members of the Board live in the community and pay the same water rates that all customers pay. The members of the Board are directly accountable to the residents of the community.
We are dedicated to providing the best and most economical water and sewer services to our customers.
Learn more about Special Districts at districtsmakethedifference.org.
Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) provides reliable water and sewer services to protect public health and the environment with financial integrity and superior customer service.
Yorba Linda Water District will accomplish its mission to improve the quality of life for those we serve by:
Embracing Proven Technology
Improving Customer Satisfaction
Providing Efficient & Responsive Operations
Ensuring Reliable Infrastructure
Core Values
The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors and staff are guided in everything we do by the following core values:
We demonstrate integrity every day by practicing the highest ethical standards and by ensuring that our actions follow our words.
We acknowledge that both the Board and staff of the District are accountable to the public that we serve, as well as to each other.
We take full responsibility for our actions. We maintain a commitment of courtesy, assessment, and resolution with all customer concerns.
We listen to our customers and communicate openly about our policies, processes, and plans for the future.
We work together by sharing information and resources to achieve common goals.
We ensure every voice of the District is treated with dignity and civility; differences are valued and individual abilities and contributions are recognized.
Yorba Linda Water Company
On December 6, Articles of Incorporation were filed for the Yorba Linda Water Company.
First Reservoirs
The Yorba Linda Water Company built it first two reservoirs when the population of Yorba Linda was about 35 people.
Yorba Linda County Water District
The present YLWD was organized as the Yorba Linda County Water District (YLCWD) on January 2, 1959 as a result of a vote of local residents.
The new district was formed according to the provisions of County Water District Law under Division XII of the California Water Code (Section 30000 et seq.). On January 2, 1959 voters in the proposed district authorized issuance of $1,900,000 in General Obligation bonds to finance the purchase of assets belonging to the Yorba Linda Water District and construction of water improvements to the growing Yorba Linda community.
Through 1959 the service area was largely rural in character with a small residential community at its center. In 1959 the service area covered 4,710 acres and the YLCWD provided service to 1,412 active connections.
1959 through the mid–1970s
Changing Community
Eastern Annex
In 1978 the District’s Board of Directors agreed to annex lands to the east of then current boundaries that more than doubled the District’s size. These annexations made YLCWD the largest County Water District in terms of geographic area in Orange County.
In response to the proposed 1978 annexations, the Board of Directors commissioned the preparation of a Water Facilities Master Plan by James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers. The Plan identified water production, storage, and transmission facilities to service the newly acquired territory, and estimated the cost to construct the major water facilities.
The proposed annexations were divided into two Improvement Districts representing separate areas of benefit to future homeowners. The Yorba Linda County Water District Board of Directors approved annexation of Improvement District No. 1 in May of 1978 and Improvement District No. 2 in June of 1978. Subsequently, voters in the two Improvement Districts authorized issuance of General Obligation Bonds to finance construction of backbone facilities.
To date a total of two series of General Obligation Bonds have been issued in Improvement District No. 1 and three series, along with one refinancing issue, in Improvement District No. 2. These annexations increased YLWD’s service area by 50%.
Subsequently, YLWD entered a phase of high development within these annexations over the next twenty-five years.
1978 through 1981
Changing Community
From 1978 through 1981 YLWD experienced growth of water service connections that occasionally exceeded 12% per year.
Name Change
In November of 1985 the Board of Directors, seeking a more accurate identification as an independent special district, dropped the “County” designation, thus officially changing the District’s name to Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD).
First Annex Phase
Annexations completed in 1989 added 50 acres to the District’s service area.
Second Annex Phase
In 1996 the District annexed acreage in the former Shell Oil property, adding additional area contributing to a projected 10% increase in service connections.
Annexations completed in 1996 added another 843 acres. The District’s present size is about 14,475 acres.
Where We Are Today
In the past few years the growth rate has slowed, along with Southern California’s general economic slowdown.
Currently about 90% of the service area is developed.