YLWD Capital Improvement Projects
- Camino De Bryant Area DIP Waterline Replacement- Phase 1
- FY 23-24 PRS Replacement Project
- Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station
- Imperial Highway Waterline
- Main Street Sewer Replacement
- Mountain View Waterline Replacement
- Sewer System CIPP Rehab & Replacement Project
- Timber Ridge Booster Pump
- Well 5 Rehabilitation Project
- Well 19 Rehabilitation Project
Project Description:
Approximately 2,315 linear feet of Ductile Iron Pipes in high-pressure areas and with a history of leaks have been prioritized for Phase 1.
Project Location: Camino De Bryant Area
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: 06/30/2024
Project Description:
As part of the District’s continuing Rehabilitation &
Replacement (R&R) Program to replace aging infrastructure, four Pressure Regulating Stations (PRSs) will be replaced, and two PRSs will be abandoned.
Project Location: Various Locations
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Project Description:
The Hidden Hills Booster Pump Station project successfully upgraded the capacity of an existing pump station to accommodate the demands of a large development project, and the project was funded by the developer. Additionally, the scope included enhanced security measures, natural gas backup generator, flowmeter replacement, and site access improvements.
The natural gas backup generator will be used in the event of a power outage or electrical power planned shutdown and will provide increased reliability during fires in the nearby wildfire-prone areas.
Project Location: 5130 1/2 Hidden Hills Rd., Yorba Linda, CA
Project Status: Complete
Projected Completion Date: 08/2024
Project Description:
The existing waterline has high Consequence of Failure and Likelihood of Failure scores due to age, pipe diameter size, and location. The project includes the rehabilitation of 3,600 feet of 18-inch steel water main (installed in 1936), 1,100 feet of 16-inch cast iron water main (installed in 1925), 900 feet of 14-inch cast iron water main (installed in 1941), and replacing 4” waterline (installed in 1951) with new 8” waterline.
Project Location: Imperial Highway between Eureka Ave. and
Bastanchury Rd. Yorba Linda, CA
Project Status: On-Track
Projected Completion Date: 02/29/2024
Project Description:
The existing sewer near Main Street in Downtown Yorba Linda is in very poor condition and cannot be adequately cleaned or monitored by the District, and is not compliant with pipe size standards. The project includes the replacement of 465 linear feet of 6-inch sewer with 8-inch sewer line. The District will utilize a combination of open trench and pipe bursting. Perpetual construction easements and access licenses were acquired from the City of Yorba Linda for constructing and maintaining the replacement sewer.
Project Location: Main Street, Yorba Linda, CA
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Project Description:
Asset Management Plan includes rehabilitation of Mountain View Avenue. The Existing waterline has high Consequence of Failure and Likelihood of Failure scores due to age (1930s), pipe material (cast iron), frequent pipe breaks, and location. The project includes the replacement of 1,200 feet of 10-inch waterline.
Project Location: Mountain View Ave. between Los Altos Dr. and Ohio Street, Yorba Linda, CA
Project Status: Completed
Projected Completion Date: Completed
Project Description:
The project is part of the District’s continuing
Rehabilitation & Replacement (R&R) Program to replace aging infrastructure. The Operations and Engineering Departments work together to identify sewer lines requiring rehabilitation/replacement. 6,500 linear feet of sewer mains and 12 manholes have been identified for FY23-24 for lining that will be cast and cured in place.
Project Location: Sewer lines throughout the District
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Project Description:
The existing station had a pump with a natural gas engine over 35 years old that was beyond its useful life with no replacement parts. Additional capacity and site security measures are needed. The existing Booster Pump Station is being replaced with a new, upgraded Booster Pump Station adjacent to the existing one. Improvements include a pump station building, three pumps, a natural gas generator, a flow meter, two surge tanks, electrical, instrumentation, a perimeter wall, and other site security improvements.
Project Location: 3727 Fairmont Blvd. at Timber Ridge Rd., Yorba Linda, CA
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Project Description:
Well 5 will be rehabilitated to extend its life and improve efficiency. This may require the replacement
of parts and lowering the pump bowl.
Project Location: YLWD Headquarters
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Project Description:
Well 19 will be rehabilitated. This project will be completed in two phases.
Project Location: YLWD Headquarters
Project Status: On Track
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Have questions or want to learn more about our Capital Improvement Projects?
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We’re happy to help! Call (714) 701-3102 to connect with our Engineering Team.
Project Bids
Quest Construction Data Network (CDN)
The District utilizes an electronic service provided by Quest Construction Data Network (CDN) to advertise project plans and specifications and to track plan holders. Via this website link, potential bidders can preview current projects at no charge or download project plans and specifications for a small fee. This website is a supplement to the District’s advertising process and will not displace the procedures in place for publication of the projects.
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