Understanding Your Bill
Your YLWD billing statement is generated every 28 days and is due 27 days from the billing date. Meter readings are conducted on a monthly basis and are scheduled for the same week of the month, however not a specific date of the month. Due to the annual calendar, you may receive a bill that reflects an additional week in the service period. This may occur approximately 4 times per year.
YLWD’s Bill Statement consists of five distinct areas, each of which contains vital information on your water and sewer usage.
Note: Customers who receive only sewer service from the District (“Locke Ranch” customers) do not receive water service or a bill from the District. Those residents pay a sewer maintenance charge with their property tax. In addition, commercial customers and residents in multi-family housing who prior to July 1, 2011, had sewer service administered by the City of Yorba Linda (generally locations east of Village Center Drive) also pay for sewer service with their property taxes.
Learn more about what appears on a bill
Account Summary
This section contains your customer account details, as well as the billing and due dates for your service period.
Water Usage
This section contains the specific information for the meter that services your account, as well as current and historical water usage. Your Current Usage in units is calculated by subtracting the Previous Read from the Current Read. The total usage is used to calculate your consumption charge. Number of units (1 unit = 748 gallons) x current unit rate.
Monitoring and Calculating Water Usage
By learning to read your Water Meter, you can monitor and calculate your water usage! By reading your meter at the beginning and the end of the day, you can compare the two totals to tell how much water you and your family used.
Billing Details
This section details your previous billing, payment activity, and current billing charges. The water charges are separated by Water Charge (per unit charge) and the Basic Service Charge (based on the size of meter servicing your account). If applicable to your account location, a monthly Sewer Maintenance Charge is also located in this section, as well as any other water and sewer related fees.
Special Message
The Special Message section contains important information that YLWD wants to bring to your attention.
Bill Pay Stub
This area summarizes pertinent information from the billing statement, including the previous balance, current charges, due date, the total amount due, and the date in which to pay your bill to avoid a late fee.
Where Does Your Water Dollar Go? Understanding the True Value of Water
At first glance, a water bill may seem steep. But when we consider the amount of water consumed and the work involved in delivering high-quality, safe, reliable water, it’s surprisingly affordable. In fact, when compared to other daily essentials like gasoline (averaging $5.52 per gallon) and a cup of coffee (averaging $4.90), water is by far the most cost-effective at $3.45 for 748 gallons of water provided by YLWD.