Sewage Service FAQ
Most Frequent Sewage Questions & Answers
How much do I pay for sewer service?
A sewer service charge of $8.10 per month is included on the bills of single-family customers who receive both water and sewer service from the District. Customers who receive only sewer service from the District pay for sewer service with their property taxes. Commercial customers and residents in multi-family housing who prior to July 1, 2011, had sewer service administered by the City of Yorba Linda (some locations east of Village Center Drive) also pay for sewer service with their property taxes. Find out more here.
Are all homes in the Yorba Linda Water District service area connected to the sewer system?
No. There are many homes in the Yorba Linda area that are currently utilizing septic tanks. The District’s policy is to encourage all homeowners to connect to the sewer system when physically possible
Who is responsible for maintaining the water and sewer lines all of the way into my home?
A water providing agency is responsible for maintaining water lines up to and including the water meter. The line from the meter into the home is the responsibility of the property owner. Agencies are responsible for maintaining sewer main pipelines in the street. The “sewer lateral” running from the home to the sewer main is the responsibility of the property owner
Does Yorba Linda Water District operate a sewage treatment plant?
No. The District maintains a sewage collection system that sends the effluent to be treated by the Orange County Sanitation District located in Fountain Valley.
What is the "Locke Ranch" section of the District?
A 400-acre strip of land commonly referred to as the “Locke Ranch” area intersects the District. The “Locke Ranch” area consists of mostly residential dwellings with commercial centers at Yorba Linda and Fairmont Boulevards, and on Esperanza Road at Fairlynn Avenue. The area was originally outside of the District’s boundaries but now lies in the middle of the District’s service area. The Golden State Water Company serves water to residents of this area, while the District owns and maintains the sewer system.