Your Meter and Leak Detection
There are several reasons why you’d want to be able to read your water meter. First, you might be interested in just how much water you use in a day. By reading your meter at the beginning and the end of the day, you can compare the two totals to tell how much water you and your family used. The second reason is to check for leaks. If you turn off all of the taps in your house, look at your meter and it is turning, chances are you have a leak somewhere. Below are some tips to help you find and read your water meter.
Locating Your Water Meter
Your water meter is generally located near the curb in front of your home. Water meters are typically housed in a concrete box usually marked “water”. Carefully remove the lid by using a tool such as a large screwdriver or pliers. Visually examine the area around the meter to make sure there are no harmful insects or other animals.
If you can’t find your meter, or need assistance please call YLWD’s customer service at (714) 701-3050.
Checking for Possible Leaks
Here a few steps to help determine if you may have a leak and where it may be. For information on water usage and conservation visit
How to Detect Leaks
To test for leaks in your plumbing system, stop all indoor and outdoor water use activity. Check and record the numbers on your water meter. Wait two to four hours (overnight if possible), then record your water meter numbers. If the numbers have changed water is leaking somewhere in your plumbing system. Be sure water softeners or filters are not operating.
Slow Leaks
Some leaks are too slow to move the dial. Turn off the water at the meter and wait a few hours. When you slowly turn the water back on, if the water rushed to fill the pipes, you may have a leak.
If a leak is detected at the meter
Turn off the house valve to determine if the leak is inside the house. This is usually located at a hose bib on an outside wall in a direct line from the water meter. If the meter dial still moves, you should investigate the possibility of a leak in the line between the meter and the house.
Irrigation System Leaks
Leaks in your irrigation system won’t always show on your meter due to their separate shut-off valves. To find leaks, walk your irrigation lines. Check for unusual wet spots, leaky or broken sprinkler heads, and use your meter to measure total irrigation use. Locate all hose bibs and check for leaks or drips. Replace the washers if there are any leaks.
Toilet Leaks
Check the toilets. Put dye tablets or a few drops of food coloring in the tank. Don’t flush. Wait 10 minutes. If color appears in the bowl, there is a leak in the toilet mechanism. Repair leaks as soon as possible.
Free toilet dye tablets are available at our Customer Service counter upon request.
FREE Water Use Surveys
We offer FREE Water Use Surveys for your home or business! Our team will check for leaks, inspect your irrigation system, and recommend ways to reduce water use—contact our Customer Service Team at 714-701-3000 for assistance.
Monitoring Your Water Usage
See the photo of an example water meter. This picture will look the same or very similar to your meter. Different meters may look different, but the method of reading them is the same. To check your average water consumption, simply get an initial read and then an ending read. Only read the first 4 digits from the left on meters 1” and smaller (Most residential meters are 1” and smaller). There are lines above the digits used for reading on the digital screen. When reading meters 1.5” and larger we read the first 5 digits from the left.How to calculate your water usage
- Ending Read – Beginning Read X 100 = Cubic feet used
- Cubic Feet Used X 7.48 = Gallons used
- Gallons Used /# days between reads = gallons per day
Water Equivalents
- 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons
- 100 cubic feet = 1ccf (standard billing unit) = 748 gallons
- 1 acre-foot = 43,560 cubic feet = 325, 900 gallons
Water meter facts
- One (1) cubic foot of water equals 7.48 gallons
- The current low-flow leak detectors will be the red circle with the black line. It will spin as flow goes through, and on the new digital screens, a plus symbol appears when there’s flow.